The “Save” button allows you to backup your work to our Stock Take server. Saving data to our server does not change anything in Shopify and is only a backup copy of your stock data. When using multiple devices the button will save changes to our server and also pick up any changes saved by other users.

You can also use the “Save & exit” option from the “More actions” menu when you are done for the day and wish to continue later.

On the “Start” page, the date and time when your stocktake was started is displayed in a blue badge. Blue badges are stocktakes started by you on your current device, while grey badges mark stocktakes started on other devices by other users.

You have 60 days to complete your stocktake, otherwise it expires, and is deleted from our server. Stocktakes that are about to expire are shown with a red badge. Please export your stock data and restore it to a new stocktake if you want to continue using the save feature. All stocktake data is erased from our servers if you uninstall our app, stock in Shopify will not be changed.